Top 10 Salesforce DevOps Tools in 2024
alesforce DevOps is the combination of development and operations practices integrated with Salesforce, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. CRMs, like Salesforce, are designed to manage and analyze customer interactions throughout the customer journey. The link between Salesforce DevOps and CRM lies in the seamless integration of development processes with the CRM platform to enhance and streamline the management of customer relationships. Salesforce DevOps is one of the most connected CRMs, with 2000+ business tool integrations. We will list here some of the best Salesforce DevOps tools and integrations that can improve your business’s productivity.
Stay ahead in the competitive landscape with Plumlogix’s innovative Salesforce solutions. Let’s embark on your digital transformation journey.

Top 10 Trending DevOps Tools – 2024

1- GIT:

GIT is a distributed version control system (VCS) designed to track changes in source code during software development.

It is widely used for managing and collaborating on projects with multiple contributors. It allows multiple developers to collaborate on a project by keeping track of every modification made to the codebase.

  • Every developer has a complete copy of the entire repository. This decentralization enables developers to work independently and later synchronize their changes.
  • GIT facilitates collaboration through remote repositories hosted on servers. Developers clone repositories to create local copies, make changes, and then push those changes to the remote repository.
  • Pull requests or merge requests provide a structured process for proposing, reviewing, and merging changes.

2- Jenkins

Jenkins is an open-source automation server that is widely used for building, deploying, and automating projects.

It simplifies the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) processes, helping development teams to streamline their workflows.

  • Jenkins is highly extensible through a vast ecosystem of plugins.
  • These plugins provide additional functionalities and integrations with various tools, enabling Jenkins to adapt to different project requirements.
  • Whether it’s integrating with version control systems, building tools, or deployment platforms, Jenkins plugins make it versatile.

3- Copado

Copado is a popular DevOps platform designed specifically for Salesforce development and release management. It facilitates the continuous integration, delivery, and deployment of applications built on the Salesforce platform.

It aims to streamline and automate the development lifecycle, allowing teams to deliver high-quality Salesforce solutions more efficiently.

  • Copado also provides robust release management capabilities for Salesforce applications. It allows teams to plan, track, and automate the entire release process, ensuring smooth transitions from development to testing and ultimately to production.
  • It integrates with version control systems like Git, enabling teams to manage and track changes to their Salesforce configurations and code. This integration supports collaboration, branching, and merging, thus enhancing team coordination and code quality.
  • The platform supports automated testing for Salesforce applications, allowing teams to create and run tests as part of the CI/CD pipeline.
    Automated testing helps identify and address issues early in the development process, improving overall application quality.

4- Gearset

Gearset is a DevOps platform that provides tools and features to streamline and automate various aspects of the Salesforce development lifecycle from version control to continuous integration and deployment.

It integrates with version control systems, allowing Salesforce developers to manage and track changes to their metadata and code.

  • It also offers backup and recovery features for Salesforce metadata and configurations. This ensures that organizations have a reliable mechanism for safeguarding their data and configurations.
  • It has an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible for both experienced Salesforce developers and those new to the platform.

5- CircleCI

CircleCI is a cloud-based continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that automates the software development process.

It allows developers to define workflows that include steps such as code compilation, testing, and deployment. This automation helps catch errors early in the development process.

  • It also supports a wide range of testing frameworks and languages, allowing developers to run unit tests and integration tests. Test results are reported back to the developer, providing quick feedback on the code changes.
  • CircleCI is designed to scale with the needs of development teams, supporting both small projects and large enterprise-scale applications.

6- AutoRABIT

AutoRABIT is designed to be a comprehensive solution for Salesforce DevOps, providing a range of features to enhance collaboration, automate processes, and ensure the successful and efficient delivery of Salesforce applications. It automates the entire Salesforce development process.

AutoRABIT also provides backup and recovery features for Salesforce metadata and configurations. This ensures that organizations have a reliable mechanism for safeguarding their data and configurations, allowing for easy recovery in case of issues or data loss.

  • AutoRABIT supports data loading and migration processes, making it easier for teams to move data between Salesforce environments.
  • It offers reporting and analytics features, allowing teams to monitor and analyze the entire release process. This includes tracking changes, release metrics, and compliance reports, providing insights for continuous improvement.

7- Flosum

Flosum is a complete end-to-end Native DevOps solution that handles the full development lifecycle including merging components, version control, continuous deployments, static code analysis, user story management & regression testing.

It smoothly handles the merging of declarative, programmatic, and complex components.

  • Flosum supports various testing types, such as unit testing, regression testing, and performance testing, helping teams ensure the quality of their Salesforce implementations.
  • The platform often offers a user-friendly interface for managing the Salesforce development lifecycle. This can include dashboards, visualizations, and customizable views to provide users with a clear overview of their development processes.

8- Docker

Docker is a platform and set of tools designed to simplify the creation, deployment, and management of applications within containers. Containers are instances of applications bundled together with their dependencies, libraries, and runtime.

Containers provide process isolation, ensuring that applications running in different containers do not interfere with each other. This isolation enhances security and simplifies dependency management.

  • Docker uses images as the blueprint for containers. Images are created from Dockerfiles, which contain instructions for building the environment and setting up the application.
  • Docker enables developers to package their applications along with everything needed to run them, ensuring consistency across different environments, from development to testing and production.
  • Docker containers can run on any system that supports Docker, regardless of the underlying infrastructure.

9- Blue Canvas

Blue Canvas focuses on providing version control for Salesforce metadata. It allows developers to track changes to configurations, code, and metadata in a version-controlled repository.

The platform also supports automated continuous integration processes for Salesforce development.

  • It helps to synchronize Salesforce environments, ensuring consistency across development, testing, and production instances.
  • Most Importantly, developers can receive alerts and notifications for changes, and the platform may provide collaboration tools such as comments and annotations to facilitate communication among team members.

10- Ant Migration Tool

The Ant Migration Tool is a command-line utility provided by Salesforce to facilitate the migration of metadata.

This tool is part of the Salesforce development toolkit and is based on Apache Ant, a widely used build automation tool.

  • The tool uses XML-based configuration files to define the specific metadata components to be retrieved or build targets and tasks to execute the migration process.


In 2024, the landscape of Salesforce DevOps tools will continue to evolve, introducing new features and improvements to meet the growing demands of Salesforce development teams.
Organizations should prioritize tools that align with their specific requirements and workflows, promoting efficiency and collaboration across development teams. Let Plumlogix help you discover the latest features and upgrades that can enhance your workflows and bring added efficiency to your business operations.

Explore the full potential of your Salesforce DevOps with Plumlogix, your reliable partner for the successful implementation of all Salesforce solutions.

About Plumlogix

Plumlogix, a Minority-Owned Salesforce Partner, boasts a seasoned team of Salesforce experts with a rich history of handling intricate Salesforce projects. With over seven years dedicated to ensuring customer success and a remarkable 70+ Salesforce certifications, we are committed to maximizing the returns on our clients’ Salesforce investments. At Plumlogix, we aim to drive digital transformation for businesses by optimizing operational processes, elevating digital user experiences, and fostering seamless internal communication. While our expertise spans various domains, we specialize in the non-profit, education, and manufacturing sectors, as well as state and local governments and federal entities.