COVID-19 Safety Tips for You and Your Family

As countries across the globe struggle to contain the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), it’s advisable to stay safe by following the recommended preventive measures from public health officials.  The best way to protect yourself is not to get exposed to the virus. At Plumlogix, we understand that part of our social responsibility is to enlighten our customers and the public to stay safe and follow recommended guidelines and help tame the spread of the virus. We’ve put together a list of recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention so that you can educate yourself and stay safe.

How to Protect Yourself and Others

Protecting yourself against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) requires you to follow these five simple steps.
  • Wash your hands often
To stop the spread of the virus and keep yourself safe from infection, it is recommended you wash your hands often using soap and running water for at least 20 seconds. This is particularly recommended when you’re been in a public place, or after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose. If you find yourself in a place you can’t get soap and water, use a hand sanitizer that’s composed of at least 60% alcohol. If all these are unavailable, do not touch your eyes, mouth, and nose before thoroughly washing your hands.
  • Keep a safe distance from people who are sick.
Avoid any close contact with people who are sick. If you can, stay home and avoid unnecessary travel. Practice social distancing by observing a 1.5 metre distance between yourself and others, especially in public places. Keep your family and friends close by engaging them in chats, video calls, texts, etc.
  • Use a cloth face cover to cover your nose and mouth
If you must be in public or around others, make sure you cover your nose and mouth using a cloth face cover. However, do not use face covers on children under the age of 2 or anyone with difficulty breathing. Avoid face masks recommended for healthcare workers as these are prone to misuse, thus making one more vulnerable to infection.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes
You must cover your nose and mouth with disposable tissues whenever you cough or sneeze then dispose of the tissue after using it. If a disposable tissue is unavailable, cough or sneeze into your elbow and wash your hands regularly.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily
The CDC and WHO recommend that frequently touched surfaces like light switches, doorknobs, handles, keyboards, faucets, phones, counter tops, and sinks be disinfected as regularly as possible to avoid infection.

covid-19Common COVID-19 Symptoms

It’s important to note that the symptoms of the Covid-19 virus appear within 14 days of infection, and in some cases, no symptoms may develop at all. The universally observed COVID-19 symptoms include: Less severe symptoms
  • fever
  • dry cough
  • tiredness
Serious symptoms
  • difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • chest pain or pressure
  • loss of speech or movement
Less common symptoms
  • aches and pains
  • sore throat
  • headache
  • loss of taste or smell

Who Is at A Higher Risk of Serious Complication If Infected with Covid-19?

The WHO and CDC warn that people who live in long-term care facilities or nursing homes as well as individuals of any age that have serious underlying medical conditions or have a weakened immune system are at higher risking of developing complications with Covid-19. Such conditions include moderate to severe asthma, liver, lung, or heart diseases; severe obesity, etc.

What to do if you are a high-risk person

If you know or suspect you are at a high risk of serious illness from COVID-19, it’s critical that you stay home as much as possible and follow the previously discussed guidelines as well as avoid all forms of luxury travel. If you feel unwell, concerned, or need medication because you are likely to stay home for long, call your healthcare provider. If you suspect you are having COVID-19 symptoms, call your doctor immediately for guidance. The CDC has also provided more guidelines for those who are high risk and are available at this link.

If You Are Sick

If you get diagnosed with COVID-19 or feel you may have been exposed to the virus, contact your healthcare provider immediately and avoid any company at all. If possible, self-quarantine. For mild sickness, stay at home and away from people and consult your doctor as often as possible, following their advice accordingly. If you notice any severe signs such as difficulty in breathing, call an ambulance or your doctor immediately. Staying safe is our collective responsibility. This info has been shared as part of our commitment to the good of the public, our customers, partners, etc.