How Plumlogix is Helping Businesses Achieve their Digital Transformation Goals

The time for digital transformation is now. For one, everyone is now online. More than 80% of consumers discover new products online, and at least 70% make the first contact with sellers over the internet.

Additionally, more businesses are embracing the digital wave, especially on the back of the covid19 disruptions. According to HubSpot, more than 90% of small businesses now have an online presence, with an increasing number providing customer services online.

Therefore, if you’re left behind, you may not only miss out on leads and sales but may also be left playing catch up with your competitors. Plumlogix can help you fast-track your digital transformation plans to get ahead of the curve.

What’s Digital Transformation (DX)?

Perhaps you’re coming across the term for the first time or just getting started with digitization. Digital transformation is the adoption of digital technologies by a company to improve business processes, enhance customer experience, and accelerate innovation.

Alternatively, we can say it’s the use of digital technologies to create new or modify existing business processes, cultures, and customer experiences in line with changing customer and market needs.

However, note that the word “transformation” in digital transformation also requires a complete rethink of businesses. So, it’s not just about purchasing or building new tech tools to solve existing problems. Instead, the organization must reimagine how the tools, processes, and people interact for improved business outcomes.

How Plumlogix Can Help

Plumlogix specializes in helping small businesses plan, execute, and evaluate their digital transformation agenda to ensure that your transformation has the desired impact and the rollout process is as smooth as possible. We can help you;

Assess your digitization needs and readiness

The first step in digital transformation is assessing whether you need the transformation in the first place and identifying areas of the businesses where a digital transformation would have the most impact. After that, you need to determine whether you’re prepared for the transformation. Otherwise, you may focus on non-issues and end up not addressing your organization’s primary challenges.

For this reason, Plumlogix begins digital transformation projects by performing a needs assessment. We start by asking two questions. First, what tools and software do you currently use? Secondly, what are the technology and resource gaps in your current processes?

Additionally, we can also help you assess the readiness of your team. Are your employees itching for change? Are they ready to shift to a digital environment? Getting buy-in from the onset will determine whether you’re ready for the next step.

Establish digital transformation goals and KPIs

Although this should be the client’s sole responsibility, many organizations struggle with setting digitization digital transformation goals. For instance, many SMBs think that a one-time digitization effort is enough to transform the organization’s processes completely.

Unfortunately, it’s not true. Digitization is a long-term effort that involves continuous input. You must continue to invest in emerging software and continually train your staff to keep up to date with new developments in your industry.

Plumlogix can help with this too. First, we can help you define achievable goals to have a clear idea of what you need to do. Keep in mind that that goal-setting also involves defining timelines to ensure the project ends within schedule. More importantly, we can help you identify key performance indices (KPIs) to measure progress as you hit important milestones.

Bringing the experts on board

Once the organization knows the gaps in its processes and technologies and has set realistic transformation goals, the next step is to assemble the team to implement the transformation. This might sound easy, but it isn’t. You must pick the right team that understands your needs and shares in digital transformation goals.

So, typically, you need to interview a few candidates to find the right people for the job. For instance, digital transformations are headed by Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) or Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in many organizations. However, smaller companies may not have a CFO. So, in this case, you need to find someone else, even externally, to head the team.

But finding the right candidate isn’t easy. Many people who claim to be digital transformation experts have never been on a DX team before. This is where Plumlogix comes in again. We can help you evaluate candidates, both the tea leader and members, to give you the best team to spearhead the transformation process.

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