For the past several tumultuous weeks, the black community globally, and in the US in particular, has been stirred to overwhelming proportions with the issue of racial equality. The seething and hypocritical undertones of bigotry and racism have suddenly jumped to the fore and has impacted people of all races, creed, and class. Now, whether or not we want to face the grim reality of the systemic racism blacks have been facing for centuries, it is knocking on our hearts and will not go away any time soon.
The sudden murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbury, and Breonna Taylor, made people angry and sad, and so the whole world is militant and has echoed the unanimous sentiment, “We are tired and fed up.”
Although the Community is emotionally exhausted, there is hope, as new opportunities have presented themselves to raise racial issues with stakeholders, such as managers, executives, colleagues, and friends. It will not be easy to navigate the road ahead, but we must all start somewhere. So, all allies and business leaders, and relevant agencies, let’s take the initiative to stamp out systemic racism for a better way of life for everyone.
Become A Leader Against All Black Oppression
To start, you can be an empathic leader against all black oppression, by understanding that your black colleagues are exhausted and traumatized by the ongoing racial inequality and violence against them. Just take a while to process the disproportionate effect of COVID 19 on the Black community and our families, to understand the disparity in wealth distribution and lack of medical insurance. Many of you want to check on your black colleagues to know how they feel and what’s happening, but you too can do some research on your own. All help and support are appreciated, but part of that support is not to demand gratitude and response at every query.
Become An Ally
You can be an ally of the racial equality and justice by reaching out and getting involved if your company has a Black Employee Resource Group (ERG). Learn from the community, even when it’s uncomfortable, and take a stand. Participate in personal political activities that drive positive change for the black community.
Educate Yourself
As you continue on this path to learn about the road of racial equality and justice. You may feel upset, angry, and uncomfortable, or even highly disturbed—that would mean that you are on the right track, but you should also remember that the black community experiences this every day. Here are some thoughtful, helpful resources and books to start the process.
- Anti-Racist Resources for allies by allies
- How to be an antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi
- “So you want to talk about race” by Ijeoma Oluo
You should also support black book stores, like GOOD BOOKS.
Speak Up In Non-Black Spaces
Speak up in non-black spaces if you are a white or non-black person of color. You might have seen anti-black racism from friends, colleagues, or family, and although it might be uncomfortable, you need to stand up against such actions in those moments and let people know that racism is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Be super sensitive in the spaces that lack racial diversity, and do your part to effect change without compromise. You can engage in open discussions and listen to perspectives and speak the truth courageously.
Another way to bridge the gap is to purchase from black-owned businesses. The community is not looking for charity, but partnerships. FORBES gives you a list of 100 black-owned businesses to choose from and support.
Make Space—Instead Of Taking Space
Make space—instead of taking space if you are in a space that includes black voices. Work to elevate their voices and perspectives instead of filling them with your own. One person is not a spokesperson for a whole community, however, so you may want to ask them if they are comfortable before asking them to share.
For example, many leadership teams come together with the Office of Equality to create and lead Equality Circles. These are safe places for black employees to lead the conversation on the issues of race in the US, where processing and grieving are done together, and the allies learn from the black experiences of their colleagues.
You can also consider creating an Employee Resource Group at your company and ensure that they lead the conversation in these turbulent and urgent times. You must bear in mind that your Employee Resource Group doesn’t have all the answers; your company should partner with relevant agencies to develop strategies. You might need to bring in professional experts to support your black employees, especially now.
Register To Vote And Support Voting Rights
Register to vote and support voting rights as this is an important part of the fight for racial equality and racial justice in America. Voting gives power and we can and should all do our part to actualize this essential civic duty. You could partner with your local civic organizations to encourage voters to get out and vote to effect the changes needed for the black community.
Donate To Individuals And Businesses
Donate to individuals and businesses, and organizations that support Black communities and Racial Justice. For example:
These organizations are at the forefront of the fight and every fight needs the support of all types.
Create A Corporation Matching Programme, If You Run A Corporation,
Create a corporation matching program, if you run a corporation, so when an employee gives to a non-profit organization, you match their donations. You are urged to set up a philanthropic program now if you don’t already have one, to make your employees aware that you are an organization that cares about their wellbeing and the world around them.
Most importantly, everyone is called to stand up for justice for all, but racial justice for the Black community in particular, as they are the ones under attack, from slavery until now, in many forms. We live in a free world with freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of choice…freedom just to live in peace and wellbeing. Let’s do all we can to effect the change we want and so desperately need.
At Plumlogix, we are committed to the message of racial equality and justice to all races, gender, religion, etc. We are in support of the move towards racial equality and justice and we encourage all our partners, customers, and business associates to be on the forefront and champion for the same.
If you have any inquiries about our commitment along this line, please reach out to us through our available channels.