3 Free Salesforce Add-on Solutions You Should Already Be Using

Salesforce is, beyond any doubt, the world’s most advanced CRM. The platform helps organizations to become efficient in their operations by offering solutions in sales, lead management, marketing automation, data management, and many more. Salesforce default deployment is pretty useful and has helped many organizations become more efficient. However, there is so much more that can be done to max out on your Salesforce investment. This article will help you understand how to maximize your Salesforce deployment using free Salesforce add-ons solutions. Keep on reading to find out why you need add-ons, the best add-ons for you, and how to choose them. Salesforce is without a doubt among the best CRM. But it is not cheap! Salesforce deployment, implementation fees, training, and salaries for Salesforce specialists will easily wipe out up to $100,000 from your pockets. However, this cost is nothing compared to the investment return and competitive advantage that Salesforce gives organizations. Companies that switch to Salesforce CRM have realized a 25% increase in revenue in their first year of using Salesforce. Every organization wants to get all its money’s worth on its Salesforce deployment. Luckily, you can easily reap all the benefits of Salesforce using free Salesforce add-ons. Salesforce has an ecosystem of over 3000 tools and add-ons that you can easily integrate with the rest of your stack to fully enjoy all the functionalities of Salesforce. These tools and add-ons are found in Salesforce labs all for free. Salesforce labs is an amazing program that helps Salesforce employees to share apps they’ve created on AppExchange. Every Salesforce user gets to take advantage of these apps, all for free.

Benefits of using Salesforce add-ons solutions

AppExchange add-ons help users to get the most out of Salesforce. Add-ons bring functionalities that you are familiar with and that you already use into Salesforce and help you work faster and with more efficiency. There are many reasons why you should use add-ons: here are just a few of them.

Store all your data in one central place

Businesses handle tons of data. Every transaction generates data that needs to be stored, analyzed, and interpreted. Despite this massive amount of data, businesses are continually seeking more data to better understand their customers. Salesforce development representatives always have spreadsheets that store different data objects such as email addresses and contacts. This data helps to track sales leads and conversion rates. When sales data is scattered all over the place, the sales process is bound to flop with sales opportunities falling through the cracks. Add-ons help your business collect and store all the relevant data in one central place. Data is pulled and scrapped from different sources and stored in your database in an orderly manner. That way, all team members can easily access the data and work effectively.

Expand Salesforce functionality

Salesforce default deployment is pretty powerful. But it is limited to some extent depending on what needs to be done. Your employees might struggle from time to time if you solely depend on the default deployment. Salesforce add-ons solutions help you to do so much more with Salesforce. They have been tested by other users who found it useful enough and want to see the functionalities integrated into the Salesforce ecosystem.

Manage all your work in Salesforce

Salesforce helps businesses do so much. However, some tasks are accomplished outside the platform. Switching between apps and tools can be pretty ineffective and a waste of time. Salesforce add-on solutions connect third-party apps that you love and regularly use with your Salesforce dashboard and database. You can easily use third-party apps within Salesforce without having to switch tabs.

Become effective

Salesforce add-ons solutions help your team to become more effective in their operations. Add-ons reduce the time wasted while switching between tabs and apps, therefore clearing more time to close deals. All the data is also centralized in one place helping teams communicate and perform tasks effectively. Everything that your team needs to perform is brought under the same platform.

How to choose Salesforce add-ons solutions

There are over 3000 Salesforce add-on solutions. Choosing the best one for your team can be a little bit tricky. However, worry no more. Let’s take a look at how to choose Salesforce add-ons. You must ask yourself these questions when choosing add-ons:
  • What problem are you trying to solve? Businesses experience unique challenges. Add-ons solve different problems. While selecting an add-on, first understand the exact problem you are solving.
It would be useless to get an add-on to solve an email management and engagement problem yet your challenge is primarily a chatbot and on-site customer engagement problem. Make sure you carry out a needs assessment before configuring that add-on solution.
  • What are your options? Just as is the norm, several applications exist to solve one common and similar need. You will certainly find several options that address your challenge. Choosing the best option can be tricky in such a case. Evaluate your options carefully and ascertain the best solution for you and your business.
  • Is the problem best solved using an already existing app or a custom-developed app? Some problems cannot be fully solved by apps on AppExchange. These problems need a custom solution provided by a custom application. Review your challenge, understand it and then ascertain whether you need an already existing app or a custom-developed application.
Tip: Check out this ultimate guide on AppExchange vs. custom development to determine the best option for your business.

Salesforce Add-ons Solutions to Install Today

Here are the 3 free Salesforce add-on solutions that you must have to maximize your Salesforce investment.

Flow Datagrid Pack

Flows are major in Salesforce. Flows have received a lot of deserved attention over the past few years. Business processes can be quite complex to understand. Flows help to simplify and automate complex business processes for everyone. However, one of the major challenges with working with flows and flow builders is the limitation in the user interface when selecting records. Luckily, Flow Datagrid now enables you to select and view a collection of data in up to three formats – grid, tile, or map grid. You can easily choose the format that best works for you.

Lightning Knowledge Search and Replace

Content is dynamic and often requires updating over time. I can’t tell you the number of hours I have spent making edits and replacements on articles. Lightning Knowledge Search and Replace allows you to quickly perform changes on draft and published articles. You can also update fields visible to customers, partners, and many more. Truth be told, Lightning Knowledge Search and Replace is a game changer and I love it.


Email is a great marketing channel. MailChimp is a marketing platform designed to handle everything email. It helps you to easily send bulk newsletters, product updates, and receipts to your customers. MailChimp helps you to create custom email flows, track email open rates and engage prospects at a large scale. It is simply a brilliant email marketing solution that you must integrate with your Salesforce.


An investment in Salesforce can give you a substantial competitive advantage and a good return on investment of about 200 – 500% over four years. Salesforce is a must-have for businesses that want to excel and become market leaders. However, having a Salesforce subscription alone does not guarantee you success. It is only half the battle. Your success is dependent on how you maximize your subscription. Salesforce add-ons help you to maximize your subscription and get value for your money. Here at PlumLogix, we can help you with Salesforce add-on solutions. We help businesses just like yours maximize on their Salesforce subscription. We offer premium Salesforce-managed services to help your team achieve your digital transformation goals. Contact us for professional customized assistance.