Salesforce Summer ’22 Release – Here Is What It Looks Like

Salesforce Summer ‘22 release introduces new features and upgrades across the Salesforce ecosystem. The communication is designed to give Salesforce users a heads up on the changes beforehand so they are prepared. 

What is the Salesforce Summer ‘22 Release Date?

Salesforce is announcing new Salesforce features and enhancements from across the Customer 360 platform. The latest happened on June 12, and here is what it looks like.

Einstein’s prediction of Net Zero

Identify assets contributing to overall carbon emissions and recommend reducing them to get your organization at net zero faster.  Minimize your carbon footprint by comparing the predicted and current energy consumption data, analyzing the top contributing factors, and reviewing recommendations to decrease energy consumption.  Organizations can filter the prediction data by year, business region, fuel type, and stationary asset type. Using data-driven insights, businesses can achieve net-zero through entering specific details about hypothetical adjustments to the various emission categories: renewables, stationary assets, vehicles, and scope three greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  The What-If Tableau Accelerator automatically calculates and then illustrates the impact on the emissions forecast in equivalents of metric tonnes of carbon dioxide (tCO2e).

Triggered Campaign Messages

A triggered message is a kind of outreach ( email, text, or push notification) sent directly to a recipient’s action on a message. For instance, you are making a purchase.  Triggered sends are indexed in a few locations in the Sales or Service Cloud and Marketing Cloud Connect for monitoring.
  1. Individual Email Result associated listing at the touch or lead document of the Sales or Service Cloud.
  2. Individual Email Result and Aggregate Link Level Details associated lists at the Triggered Send Definition.
Triggered sends made in the Marketing Cloud do not return tracking to the Sales or Service Cloud. For example, an API call into the Marketing Cloud does not return tracking to the Sales or Service Cloud.


What is Salesforce case swarming?  Also known as intelligent swarming, case swarming is a collaborative approach to customer service. You bring a team of skilled experts together within your organization, intending to work on complicated issues as soon as they emerge. “In today’s hyperconnected world, organizations must be prepared to respond at a moment’s notice to security attacks, service outages, and other major incidents,” said Clara Shih, CEO of Salesforce Service Cloud.  When such incidents occur, the clock starts ticking. Customer calls begin flooding in. Service agents scramble to diagnose the issue. A PR crisis looms. Customer-facing teams must collaborate easily and stay in lockstep with engineers, DevOps, security, and other experts. The benefits of case swarming as a customer support model include; 
  1. By swarming cases, agents solve them faster and document the process for future issues. When 60% of agents say it’s difficult to balance speed and quality support, organizations can only embrace swarming to sort customer support issues fast. 
  2. 82% of customers expect to solve complex problems by talking to one customer support person. Case swarming helps hide the complexity and handoffs from the customer because the agent is their single point of contact throughout the case. This allows the agent to become a trusted contact and creates a one-on-one relationship that builds loyalty.
  3.  Agents gain access to a built-in support network of experts. No one is left alone. Agents are incentivized to offer a helping hand. Contact center managers use data to understand performance and participation levels. When a case is resolved, they recognize those involved in the case swarm process, encouraging more agents to participate.
  4. When agents bring in experts to swarm a case, they learn new skills on the job. This type of expertise would otherwise take years to build.


Hyperforce is a new infrastructure architecture that unifies the foundations of the various clouds and allows Salesforce to scale rapidly and securely using public cloud partners. Using Hyperforce, you can deploy Salesforce apps and services in a growing number of worldwide regions by using the scale and agility of the public cloud. Hyperforce is already available in many areas so you can benefit from the power of the public cloud.

Subscription Management

According to Salesforce,  subscription management is a business framework that uses tech-driven automation and shared data to optimize how you deliver subscriptions (where customers pay on a recurring basis for access to your product or service). It creates better customer experiences across the buying journey, driving adoption, renewals, retention, and growth.

How does Salesforce subscription management work?

  • Enable customers to shop and pay for B2B products over any channel, including self-service. 
  • Finance creates accurate invoices and gets paid on time.
  • Sales reps step in to capture customers who need help and close fast.

What are the most critical subscription management software features?

Unified billing engine

This one helps you speed up cash collection and improve the customer experience by leveraging up-to-date data from the buying journey. Every transaction automatically generates consolidated invoices.

Deal management

Subscription management software should offer deal management features that help sales reps step in to rescue deals that are stalling and close them fast, with tools that let you apply discounts.

Dashboards and reports

Subscription management should provide cross-team visibility into essential customer data and key performance indicators (KPI). The best dashboard visuals take live data and turn them into at-a-glance views of customer behavior and company performance so you can go from insight to action within the same system.

Intelligent Fraud Management

NoFraud is a Salesforce fraud prevention solution that leverages human intelligence and AI-powered, multi-layered fraud screening technology to detect and block fraudulent orders in real-time, eliminating chargebacks and boosting order approval rates.  The precognitive platform by Salesforce protects merchants from critical threats, including payment fraud, bot attacks, card testing, account creation, account takeover, and return abuse. This is done using a combination of device intelligence, machine learning, and advanced behavioral analytics.  The precognitive solution offers complete protection from the initial interaction point, monitoring sessions, devices, and users to proactively prevent attacks, lower manual review time, reduce false positives, and create a frictionless experience.


Salesforce Summer ‘22 release announced several features updates. We have detailed some of the above. You can check Salesforce Summer ’22 release notes to get a detailed summary of all feature updates.  Contact Plumlogix to help your business navigate through the new updates.