The State of Digital Transformation In The Business World 2022

The last few years have seen digital transformation dominate the talk around Industry 4.0 and it has for good reasons. With the COVID era slowly ending, we can not fail to recognize the strides made toward digital transformation by a majority of businesses (most of which will transition into the future). So, what’s the state of digital transformation in the business world? Change is inevitable in all aspects of life and the business world is no exception. The change process is faster in the business world. The world of business is rapidly changing and businesses must catch up. The increasing competition and differentiation of businesses call for a bold step. The ability and determination to face the rules that customers dictate is very important in business viability and sustainability. Businesses that stick in the game and are willing to fight for a bigger piece of the pie do not view such situations as threats but as lucrative opportunities for growth and sustainability. Global technological advancements have made digital transformation a necessity in business processes. Any strategy and action that is not hinged on digital transformation might not be very effective in modern business practice.

What Is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing and improving how you operate and deliver value to customers. It’s not all about installing new computers, creating a profile on each social network, or installing a new CRM. It’s a complete cultural change that requires organizations to adopt new work philosophy that is internalized by all employees and managers. However, it is important to note that this is a gradual process that is determined by the resources and capacity that the company has. In summary, digital transformation is the difference between companies that die and those that endure. Companies have recognized the urgency of this evolution as indicated in the State of Digital Business Transformation 2018 report. According to the report, 89% of organizations have already adopted or are planning to adopt a digital strategy.

Who Should Lead Digital Transformation Process?

The initiation and fruition of the digital transformation process are dependent on the top management position. From them should come the culture of change and the perception of something disruptive and exciting to be fostered by the rest of the team. This process becomes more successful when it starts from the top downwards. First to be digitalized should be the Board of Directors. The senior managerial positions can either choose to take charge of this procedure or form a devoted team specifically for this process.

Implications of Digital Transformation

While creating and redesigning a business strategy based on digital transformation, four fundamental pillars must be taken into account in terms of the state of digital transformation. These four pillars include;
  1. The technology
  2. The experience of the customer
  3. The business cultureThe objective of the business.
Let’s look at the key aspects of the four pillars that will ensure successful digital transformation in each organization.


To keep up with the breakneck speed of competition in the business world, research and development department must be upbeat in terms of innovation. In competitive markets, customers always need added value. value that cutting-edge technological innovations and advancements can efficiently guarantee. Technological innovation is essential in achieving a differentiated business model that is unique from the rest.

Brand Awareness

Social engagements and digital conversations are some of the tactics that can help an organization become a top brand in the market. Customer segmentation and target marketing are key to reaching out to your ideal client. Big brands are conscious of the needs of their clients and always strive to meet their needs.

Knowledge of Digital Tools

Digital transformation is based on the ability to adapt to new existing and emerging technologies. To accomplish this, the need to have a vast knowledge of digital tools is indispensable. Therefore, for a company to successfully handle digital transformation, it needs to have tools such as social networks, ERPs in the cloud, and monitoring systems at its disposal.

Digital Training of Staff

A well-trained staff is an essential resource when looking into the implications of the state of digital transformation. Digital transformation is a gradual process that requires a lot of resources to achieve It is a crucial process that needs proper execution for perfect results. It is therefore advisable to train all employees, managers, customers, and suppliers on every detail before they undertake this process.

Use of Big Data.

Big data is the main element of digital transformation and also the main tool for increasing the competitiveness of the company. Having data reduces the operational risks in an organization as it makes the incursion and evaluation of new products stress-free. Additionally, big data enables an organization to have a more customized marketing approach. Thanks to big data you can profile strategies and products to the target audience in the most logical, effective, and efficient way.

Importance of Digital Transformation

Digital transformations have brought a substantive change in the world and especially in business. Its importance cannot be overstated. Some of the importance digital transformations include;

It leads to stronger connectivity and better customer engagement methods.

Digital transformation will help an organization create new experiences for its clients. It also crucial in strengthening the organization-client relationship. Technologies like AI have enabled organizations to achieve personalization: Build modern websites: Establish simpler database sign-up and smooth ordering processes: And create unique ways via which clients can connect with the brand. A company that becomes sensitive to the state of digital transformation can create multiple customer engagement methods. Methods that will greatly improve client’s experiences on their journey to purchase. However, customer engagement that is not developed within digital transformation parameters can become complex and confusing.

It guides you on where and how to focus your brand’s efforts

Digital transformation does not end with the installation of new digital tools. Without proper strategic initiatives, these tools will not be beneficial leading to low ROI and wastage of resources. Any digital transformation based on strategic initiatives and a clear roadmap will help an organization establish and focus on the strengths of its brand. Digital transformation will help you better understand your company’s needs. This will enable you to create a new philosophy and clear vision for the future. Furthermore, it will position your organization as a strong force that is ready to respond and adapt to any disruptions.

Better and faster decision making

Through digital transformation, organizations can expedite various business processes in the midst of work overload. Digital transformation enables organizations to automate business operations hence a faster and more accurate decision making. AI and machine learning are some of the technologies that an organization can use to analyze massive amounts of data sets more quickly and accurately.

Increased profits and reduced costs.

Adoption, installation, and implementation of the right technologies will improve the overall workflow and efficiency in an organization. Part of the state of Digital Transformation is to empower employees through modern technology that will make their work easier. Technology undoubtedly saves on time and human efforts which translates to low operational costs and increase productivity and profits.

Organizational transformation.

Organizational transformation is a risky journey many business leaders struggle to embark on. The decision to disrupt a recently well-functioning organizational culture and system is not simple as it may affect the immune system of the business. Digital transformation needs a highly innovative business culture. A culture that empowers and prepares all partners to take calculated risks in business operations. Leaders need to be at the forefront in rendering such training. This can lead to a whole system overhaul that will impact every area of your organization. Digital transformation leads to organizational transformation through evolution and revolution.

Final remarks on the state of digital transformation

The state of digital transformation is a vital subject, especially for organizations that seek to remain in business by adopting modern technology in their operations. Digitization will reduce your operational costs and maximize profits. It will also increase the efficiency of operations and above all bridge the gap between you and your clients. Technology is no longer an option but a fundamental part of business strategy in today’s world. Digital transformation will help your company prepare and be ready to thrive even in adverse technological and social disruption times.