Top 10 B2B E-Commerce Trends in 2024 and Beyond

Top B2B E-commerce Trends for 2024.
In the dynamic sector of B2B ecommerce, staying ahead is challenging for businesses. However, the journey to achieving the e-commerce goals can be easier with a proactive approach and by keeping an eye on all the latest trends. As Plumlogix prepares for 2024, it is an ideal time to look at some of the most highly anticipated 2024 B2B e-commerce trends and how they will also impact the Salesforce industry. Let’s dive deep into the most awaited industry trends that are set to impact and shape the B2B e-commerce industry in 2024.

1. Tailored Experiences

Tailored experiences will lead the B2B e-commerce trends in 2024. Machine learning will have a significant role to play in improving user experiences. The machine learning models will make use of the AI to tailor and detect user experiences based on their preferences, behaviors, and historical interactions. Here are some key features:
  • These models in B2B e-commerce trends will not only help analyze past data but also circumstantial data such as industry trends and market behavior.
  • This approach allows for real-time adjustments in the recommendations, ensuring that businesses receive the most relevant and up-to-date suggestions.
  •  These models will continuously upgrade their understanding of consumer’s preferences, creating a largely individualized experience that evolves with changing business requirements.
  • AI- powered personalization adapts in real- time. reflecting the most current and applicable information.

2. Distributed Ledger

A distributed ledger is a decentralized database or digital record-keeping system that is maintained across multiple participants or nodes in a network. This technology is often associated with blockchain, which is a specific type of distributed ledger.
  • It is aimed as a key enabler of top industry trends. This increased transparency not only builds trust between parties but also streamlines complex processes, leading to more effective and secure deals.
  • All participants in the network have access to the same ledger, creating a transparent and shared view of the data.

3. AR/VR

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are immersive technologies that alter our perception of the physical world and create interactive digital experiences.
  • It includes various subjections where consumers can experience products, delving into the complex details, testing functionalities, and even simulating authentic scenarios.
  • This is particularly used in industries such as manufacturing and architecture, where precise product understanding is crucial.
  • Additionally, collaborative VR environments will enable multiple stakeholders to engage in product assessment simultaneously, stimulating systematic decision-making operations.

4. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Sourcing

In 2024, eco-friendly sourcing has emerged as one of the top B2B e-commerce trends. Companies that integrate sustainability into their B2B operations are not only meeting current market demands but are also positioning themselves for long-term success. 
  • This could include carbon footprint calculations, recycling of materials, and information on the supplier’s sustainability practices.
  • Sustainable sourcing also involves reducing waste, optimizing resource use, and adopting efficient processes. As a result, businesses can experience cost savings in the long run.
  • Companies that prioritize sustainability in their sourcing strategies are viewed more favorably by consumers, leading to increased brand loyalty and a positive market reputation.

5. Inventory Management

Inventory management tools in B2B e-commerce will employ advanced algorithms to analyze historical data, market trends, and external factors that may influence demand and supply.
  • These tools will not only predict future inventory needs but also provide actionable insights, such as ideal reorder points and inventory turnover rates.
  • Machine learning algorithms will continuously learn and adapt to changing market conditions, ensuring that businesses can proactively adjust their inventory strategies to minimize costs and maximize efficiency.

6. Voice-Activated B2B Transactions

Voice-activated commerce will gain stature in B2B transactions.
  • Voice-activated assistants and smart technologies will enable customers to place orders, check inventory, and receive updates, streamlining the acquisition process and enhancing overall user experience.

7. Mobile Centric Strategy

B2B platforms may invest in mobile applications to offer a personalized and upgraded experience for users. B2B mobile apps can provide additional functionalities, enhance user engagement, and strengthen relationships with clients.
  • B2B content, including product information, documentation, and support resources, is presented in a format suitable for mobile consumption. This ensures that users can access critical information seamlessly from their mobile devices.
  • By adopting a mobile-first approach in the B2B space, businesses acknowledge the importance of catering to the preferences and needs of professionals who increasingly rely on mobile devices for their work. This strategy contributes to a seamless and efficient B2B e-commerce experience, aligning with the broader trends in mobile technology and business interactions.

8. Influencers Marketing

Influencers are expected to continue playing a significant role in B2B marketing strategies.
  • B2B influencers may increasingly collaborate with brands on creating high-quality, informative content. This could involve joint webinars, whitepapers, and other forms of content that provide value to the audience while showcasing the influencer’s expertise and the brand’s offerings.
  • Influencers may collaborate on an international scale, connecting B2B brands with audiences in different regions. This can be particularly valuable for companies looking to expand their global reach and establish a presence in diverse markets.

9. Account-Based Marketing Evolution

The account-based marketing will continue to evolve during 2024, which will positively impact the B2B industry. 
  • Account-Based Marketing strategies may evolve with more sophisticated targeting and personalization.
  • B2B marketers might leverage AI and predictive analytics to identify high-value accounts, and influencers could play a role in reaching decision-makers within those accounts.

10. B2B Marketplace Expansion

Expansion of B2B marketplaces will set the tone for an exciting 2024, which will make the B2B market more centralized and easily accessible. 
  • The growth of B2B marketplaces is expected to continue, providing a centralized platform for buyers and sellers.
  • These marketplaces offer a wide range of products, streamline procurement processes, and enable businesses to discover new suppliers.


In conclusion, the trends shaping this realm shows a new era of interconnected businesses, seamlessly navigating the digital frontier. From the immersive experiences crafted by AR/VR to the secure transactions facilitated by distributed ledger, each trend is a testament to the evolving demands and expectations of B2B transactions.
Let’s discover how Plumlogix can help you with achieving your digital transformation goals in 2024.

About Plumlogix

Plumlogix, a Minority-Owned Salesforce Partner, boasts a seasoned team of Salesforce experts with a rich history of handling intricate Salesforce projects. With over seven years dedicated to ensuring customer success and a remarkable 70+ Salesforce certifications, we are committed to maximizing the returns on our clients’ Salesforce investments. At Plumlogix, we aim to drive digital transformation for businesses by optimizing operational processes, elevating digital user experiences, and fostering seamless internal communication. While our expertise spans various domains, we specialize in the non-profit, education, and manufacturing sectors, as well as state and local governments and federal entities.