CRM Managed Services for Skills Gaps and Unmet Bandwidth

Ever heard of CRM-managed services?

Whether you started in the days of commercial computing or you are trying to excel in this era of digital transformation, as a business, you must keep ahead of technology trends. It’s that simple.

Before you get excited about what you have achieved, examine your life as a leader. It comes at a price. You must plan ahead for new technology, which is likely to be expensive to maintain. Besides, strong technology may require in-demand, limited and expensive talent.

There’s a way out- adopt CRM managed services. This is probably your best option for maintaining competitive against other players in the industry.

According to experts’ global estimation, the global managed services market value is projected to hit USD 356.24 billion by 2025 which represents a 55 percent (55%) increase over the next five years. The report also takes note of the Asia-Pacific region, which is leading the charge with most organizations putting aside traditional business models and adopting a cloud-based infrastructure.

Today, size is no longer a factor. Companies are now signing up for CRM managed services to stay competitive. Small and medium-sized businesses have chosen managed services as a tool to support their evolution. Major enterprises, too, are supported by managed services, which relieves them of work that would otherwise require 10 or more full-time employees.

For organizations and start-ups wondering what else CRM managed services can offer, we have a treat for you.

CRM managed services cares for a skills gaps 

Unless you are blind to current realities in today’s work environment, skills gaps prove very expensive. Most IT leaders agree it’s not very easy to acquire new tech talent, especially in countries where such talent is in short supply.

In fact, whenever you have a limited talent pool, demand is always so high that potential tech talents have the liberty to choose which projects they find exciting enough to take on and even name their prices.

Sometimes, even when you managed to grab strong talent for your company, say a salesforce expert, they’re like to be an expert in only one area. Accordingly, you head back to the market for more talent to fill the gaps.

Is there another way?

CRM managed services to fills this gap. Managed services facilitates unmatched flexibility, which means you can get the right skills that you need, whenever you need them. That means one-time BAU support or an on-going 40 hours of manpower to sort out your backlog.

CRM managed services will carry the day, especially when there’s inadequate CRM knowledge

Let’s start with the basics. Do you possess a solid understanding of how CRM software works when you implement it in your organization? If the answer is no, then that’s enough evidence that you need to sign up for CRM managed services.

At a very basic level, you can imagine a CRM managed service as a makeshift measure before you build up capacity and become self-sufficient with everything in CRM.

CRM managed servicesGood service providers such as Plumlogix would want to engage you for long enough until you get your Salesforce operations under perfect control and understanding. Our commitment is on setting our customers up for long-term success and not just offer a quick-fix, temporary solution.

CRM managed services means streamlined workflow

Having the right people working on the right tasks will guarantee that you get the best out of any system. Signing up for a CRM managed service plan takes the pressure off your internal resources by simply overseeing simpler tasks and setting your teams and individuals free to concentrate on the high-value activities of your organization.

Take the example of a company where the CEO is the Salesforce administrator. Obviously, that’s not the best use of his time. Signing up for CRM managed services will free him up to concentrate on more strategic activities.

On the other hand, if your organization has an infrequent need for a highly specific skill, you can divide the roles with CRM managed services so that your internal team focuses on general tasks while your managed services handle other activities.

How to find the right CRM-managed service for your business 

A suitable CRM-managed service should be programmed and designed to do two things; add value to your business and act as an extension of your company.

With 2019 data showing only 51% of managed service providers as supporters of a mix of both technical and business responsibilities, choosing a provider should be guided by the fact that they must be able to offer not only technical support but also guide you on operational best practices.

This is particularly important because businesses go through different seasons, which means there will be times when you need more support and others where just minimal support is necessary to carry out other business responsibilities.

At such times, you don’t want to be penalized or charged for hours not utilized or find yourself racking up additional charges.

Simply put, the best CRM managed services should be arranged in a manner that it’s not restricted to tech support so that the various aspects of management and administration of Salesforce is easy for the people entrusting the managed service provider.

At the end of the day, CRM managed services will add value to your company, no matter what point you are in your Salesforce journey.

Talk to Plumlogix today for a customized, success-bound offer on managed services or any other Salesforce need you may have.