DevOps in the Cloud: Understanding the role of Cloud in DevOps

DevOps and the cloud could sound a bit confusing to many people in the IT landscape, but they really aren’t that far apart. DevOps in the cloud continues to stand tall in the technology industry and is one of the secrets behind the supercharged deployment rates by software teams. DevOps has emerged in the IT landscape as the platform for empowering organizations to leverage their time and skill better to build, test, and deploy software at a much faster pace while increasing the overall quality of each deliverable. One of the primary focuses of the cloud in DevOps is to empower multi-faceted teams of developers and operations professionals who work together to ascertain tasks are accomplished correctly, with minimal time wastage. Also read: The ultimate DevOps environment employs various tools and practices to bolster communication, collaboration, and data transparency. A primary pursuit of DevOps is using the power of automation to speed up processes and reduce downtime.

How Does DevOps in the Cloud Work?

DevOps and cloud are inseparable. Many cloud development projects employ DevOps, and there’s a long list of instances where this has been successfully applied and continue to be used every day. The benefits of using DevOps with cloud projects are also multifold. They include faster application development allowing for a speedy accomplishment of business needs quicker and lower cost of testing, deployment, and operations. DevOps available in the cloud represents a significant bit of technology that aids in every facet of DevOps operation. Cloud computing ensures collaboration without time wastage frequently witnessed while sending files back and forth to team members. The cloud, along with other smart pieces of technology- like version control, allows simultaneous operations and developments to occur, enabling teams to avoid chaotic activities. Cloud computing also provides ways and means for teams to collaborate across the globe without having to journey to the office to accomplish any task or change. Cloud and DevOps also allow for the secure building of experimental test environments for quick prototyping OF solutions without bothersome physical hardware. There is no need for physical housing servers and regular upkeeps. Cloud also allows for automated testing performed in a simulated environment separate from live environments.  This frees up DevOps team members to concentrate on doing tasks that only humans can do. Additionally, using the cloud spares the DevOps teams from being bogged down with monotonous tasks prone to human error. DevOps in the cloud Cloud computing complements the DevOps process by empowering each step of the development lifecycle. Through the use of the cloud DevOps, applications can be created and tested on different environments at will, courtesy of Kernel, and Visualization. This also eliminates the need for physical machinery tests, which increases time savings. Besides, cost reduction occurs due to the on-demand nature of cloud technology and activities. The beauty of DevOps in the cloud and other software as a service (SaaS) platform is that you only pay for what you need and when you need it.

DevOps Secure Cloud Platform

DevOps and the cloud offer secured pathways with the capacity to avail enterprise resources from any location or device without compromising the security of the network. Providing constant access to essential resources when needed allows DevOps in the cloud unparalleled collaboration, plus the ability to utilize professional contract workers across international borders to infuse teams with much-needed expertise. Allowing users to access your network from their device may yield security vulnerabilities. A modern cloud platform comes with secured built-in stacks that help administrators with tools to maintain security. As cloud computing grows in leaps and bounds and becomes more commonplace, more companies are moving to the cloud, increasing the options for those looking for solutions remotely and, as a result, bringing down the costs of using cloud services. When you finally want to transition to the cloud, it’s essential to brief all your teams to understand what the process entails, the benefits, and the challenges to expect. Driving transformation becomes much more comfortable and faster when teams are aware of how the technology will benefit them and help them accomplish their tasks much faster. DevOps and the cloud emphasize the importance of transparency and the need for communication. It is also essential to document your progress with DevOps and the cloud. Making a shift to the cloud is a huge step. Set realistic goals and track metrics to acquire detailed information on your progress. Understanding what you are receiving out of your investment is paramount to ensuring that you are maximizing your value and continuously improving your systems to stay relevant in the industry. Detailed metrics will allow you to pick up on areas that are not functioning and gives you insight into reasons. Armed with this information, you can make timely corrections that guarantee your success.


Implementing DevOps in the cloud requires a strategic approach with a perfect understanding of all the benefits, challenges, and all other implications. Cloud offers an excellent opportunity for development and operations teams to achieve excellent standards in deployment, release evaluation, etc. Admins and developers too are empowered with the capabilities of cloud computing. Talk to Plumogix today for DevOps solutions that match your needs, and scale with you. Call us today on (888) 318-8883.