10x More Deployment With Salesforce DevOps

Over the last two decades, Salesforce has proved to be the number one choice in SaaS CRM for enterprises of all sizes, irrespective of industry or nature. Of course, there have been challenges here and there, some of which include the silos between developers and the different stakeholders. Since the introduction of Salesforce DevOps, a lot has changed. DevOps, in itself, is not a tool but rather a modernized approach for managing applications and helping to promote communication and collaboration among developers and stakeholders, thus breaking common silos between them. As a result, a continuous cycle is created where different teams merge to deliver releases much faster, as opposed to the traditional methods of feature/release deployment. Salesforce DevOps introduces a set of highly developed practices that skillfully combine software development and operations, help tech teams build software, and accomplish vital testing and releases at an astronomically faster pace and with more reliability. As DevOps brings together those hardworking teams responsible for building the applications with those responsible for releasing, monitoring, and maintaining those applications, it aims to completely blurring the lines between those two distinct roles. All the teams working within the Salesforce ecosystem can benefit immensely.

Why Is Everyone Talking About Salesforce DevOps

DevOps is not an entirely new entity on the market, even though it is new to Salesforce, which is the most trusted customer relationship management (CRM) platform. DevOps has been firmly established for quite some time, and it’s the best option for creating and managing software on other platforms or software stacks. DevOps has established itself as a tried and proven invention, with well-documented benefits, for the past twenty years. Teams across the technology industry, have adopted DevOps because it allows them to deploy over 10x faster than change sets, and with more frequency. In 2018, a report by DevOps research, and Google cloud, discovered that teams that perform at a higher level use DevOps to make releases that are 48 times faster, and the same teams had ‘charge lead times’ that were 2,555 times faster than those with low performances. Also, there were much lower change failure rates, and much faster incident recovery times. The bottom line is DevOps is constantly leading the way, to a shorter and more vigorous development and release cycle that saves companies an enormous amount of time and money. Salesforce DevOps teams stay relevant by following market trends. They have been observing the trend set by development teams on other platforms and have started to adopt more elements of newly acquired DevOps best practices. Part of their process to develop and deploy speedily is by getting automated, taking an increasingly repetitive and consistent approach to development, and using tools such as Git-based control that is being used elsewhere. This further cements their position, and gives satisfaction to users.

Two Main Qualities of Salesforce DevOps

Firstly, Salesforce DevOps is guided by a set philosophy…one that empowers development teams. They charge and encourage them to be more agile in the field, so they are always producing at their optimum. Secondly, they unite software developers and operators through automated means, to give teams the ability to manage their releases, rather than handing them over to other operation teams. These qualities become a set of tools that enable the philosophy and allow teams to replace fragile manual processes with reliable, repeatable, automated ones. Salesforce DevOps is now a formidable tech practice, and a force to be reckoned with in the market place. It deploys more than 10x faster, and speeds up Salesforce projects, moving metadata across the Salesforce org. As a cloud-based platform, Salesforce is designed to make it easy for users to add new and updated capabilities, and customization to their orgs, without worrying about infrastructure problems, like network, data, or security.

Real Benefits Of DevOps

DevOps’ main objective is to increase the capabilities of teams and to deliver new and cutting-edge features, that will solve critical issues confidently and with blazing speed. It’s not surprising that elite performing teams, using the DevOps processes, are having a higher frequency of new release production. They are also making changes in shorter lead times, and are having fewer bugs and service disruptions in their systems. Their restore times in service outages are exceptionally fast. Epson lx350A Google Industry Survey in 2019, uncovered valuable market information that high performing teams deploy 208 times more frequently and make changes 106 times faster than low performers, with a ‘change lead time’ being less than a day. Change failure rates of 0-15% are also reported by high performers, compared with change failure rates of up to 60% among lower performers. Also, these elite performers can restore their services in less than one hour when there are any disruptions. On the contrary, low performers reported restore times of one week to a month. DevOps is having a transformational effect on Salesforce teams. Just by adding a minimal amount of DevOps features, you can develop more rapidly than others, while adding a CI supercharge to the whole release process. It doesn’t matter where you are on the Salesforce DevOps ladder, the correct Salesforce DevOps tools will allow your team to release more reliably and more frequently. Plumlogix has established itself as a reliable partner to walk the journey of Salesforce implementation, review, and audit, constantly advising on best practices to revolutionize your org investment. We pride ourselves in offering reliable, comprehensive, and custom Salesforce DevOps solutions that are respected industrywide. Talk to us today and learn how we can help your organization.