Einstein Voice: What is the New Voice-Activated Service Cloud by Salesforce?

Late last year, Salesforce announced a Voice-Activated Service Cloud designed to allow people to talk to the CRM software, opening many new opportunities for employees to work smarter and connect with clients more productively. Named Einstein Voice, the service is now about one year old and making strides in the industry. This is a recap of the Epstein’s journey, its benefits, and challenges over the period it’s been around.

What’s Einstein Voice?

Einstein Voice is a service designed to enable users to conversationally engage with the Salesforce platform via the Salesforce mobile app or smart voice systems such as Alexa, Echo, or Google Home. It’s very versatile and siloed, such that it restricts data pulls to an individual user’s account. It can also be taught to recognize jargon, slang, and acronyms used within the organization. In addition to the transcription, the Einstein Voice assistant can update Salesforce records and create tasks using natural language requests. Users can also navigate the platform’s analytics dashboard using voice commands rather than typing.

Why Voice is a Big Deal

What makes the Einstein Voice assistant unique, however, is the fact that it’s a voice platform. Voice is the new enterprise UI. The convergence of connected devices and advancements in natural language processing is making voice-controlled interfaces the go-to interfaces. In the US, one on five people now own a smart speaker in the homes, with many studies, including a recent one by Capgemini, predicting that this ratio will jump to two-in-five by 2021. This makes voice a crucial frontier for companies. It represents more than just a way to interact, but an entirely new way to engage with your customers and reimagine business models. The Einstein Voice service brings this convenience and innovation to customer relationship management. It allows sales reps to talk to Salesforce and complete routine tasks on the SRM platform using voice commands. Whether it’s creating or updating customer records, exploring dashboards, or getting personalized daily briefings – they can all now be done conversationally.

What Can You Achieve with Einstein Voice

Einstein, Salesforce’s AI platform, already delivers more than three billion predictions every day to help customer makes smarter, more informed decisions across multiple areas of the organizations, including sales, marketing, and customer service. The voice service opens up a whole range of possibilities by bringing those and many other services in a speech-controllable manner. When agents can speak to Salesforce on any device and get results in real-time, organizations can make smarter decisions from anywhere. Some of the tasks you can achieve with Einstein Voice include;
  1. Update Salesforce through speech

Traditionally, to update Salesforce, you must manually enter data by keying in words and digits. With the Einstein Voice assistant, that’s no longer necessary. Instead, you can update your CRM by dictating new information through the Salesforce mobile app. The best part is that the Einstein Voice assistant has the capacity to transform the unstructured voice data, including lingo, into actionable data. It also automatically updates team members about the updates.
  1. Start the day with valuable briefings

Imagine how nice it would be to start your days at the office with a full briefing of where you’re at and what the day ahead holds for you! Would even give you a bit more energy to kick on, right? Well, that’s what Einstein Voice does. Every morning, users begin the day with a tailored readout of key Salesforce metrics and priorities from the admins. Depending on the message the admin wishes to convey, the readout may include goals and objectives for the day, the day’s schedule, key opportunities, and an overview of the team’s pipeline.
  1. Explore your dashboards

In the traditional setup, if you want to discover some information from the dashboard, you must manually open the board, filter out information you don’t need, and narrow down to the parts that matter most to your search. Einstein Voice saves users from all that anguish. Rather than manually opening the dashboard, you now only need to speak out the items or information you need. The voice command system will conduct the search on your behalf and display the information.
  1. Productivity benefits

The voice platform will also introduce several new enhancements to boost overall productivity and empower users. These benefits include;
  • Work from a single platform: The service integrates telephony into the console such that agents no longer need to switch between screens and tools. The result is less time wasted and more work accomplished.
  • Reduced data entry: With voice commands available, there’s no longer a need to enter data manually. You can create emails and text messages through dictation.
  • Call monitoring: The new platform comes with call-monitoring capabilities, allowing supervisors to step in when needed to provide the necessary coaching.

More to Come

What’s most impressive about this voice service from Salesforce is that these unique services only scratch the surface. There’s a lot more you can expect from voice-controlled CRM solutions. For instance, the Einstein Voice service recently announced a Voice Bots platform that allows companies to build customized, voice-enabled interactions for their own customers. This new platform will make CRM voice bots even more popular. It enables companies to quickly and easily design bots and effortlessly deploy them to smart devices such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. Moreover, you can brand your voice bots to match corporate branding for seamless and customer experience.