Here’s How To Drive Revenue Growth With Salesforce

As you might have realized by now, driving revenue isn’t just about closing more sales. To truly boost your business’ profitability and secure a more stable future for the organization, you need to find ways to minimize expenses and oversight while maximizing productivity and efficiency. Above all, you must keep the big picture in mind – that’s the company’s mission and goals. With this in mind, you now think of driving revenue growth with Salesforce. Customer relationship management (CRM) tools are designed to help with most of these tasks. They allow you to manage most aspects of customer relationships in both sales and marketing as well as support the customer service department and provide analytics. Salesforce is one such tool. Indeed, Salesforce is one of the most popular CRM solutions, used by 99 of the Fortune 100 companies (according to the company). In total, more than 150,000 small businesses in the US use Salesforce.

Tips to Grow Your Revenue with Salesforce

So, perhaps you’re wondering how you can drive revenue growth with Salesforce. The following are five ways the CRM can impact your bottom line; 1.      Automate your sales The question to ask yourself here is – how much time do you spend on tasks such as emails, checking on sales reps, and looking at spreadsheets? For most organizations, it’s a lot of time. Considering that these are repetitive tasks that occur daily, you could be spending a significant portion of your time just attending to these tasks. If you desperately want to drive revenue growth with Salesforce, automation of many of these tasks can help you focus your energy on revenue-generating areas of your business. One key feature designated to create a seamless sales experience in Salesforce is the Sales Cloud. Among others, Sales Cloud helps with;
  • Account management: This feature helps track customer activities, communications, and discussions for a 360-degree view of the client.
  • Opportunity management: This feature tracks products, payments, delivery terms, and other details, taking a lot of work off your shoulders.
  • Lead management: Sales Cloud also helps with lead management, making it easier to assign the right sales reps to optimize conversions.
  • File synchronization and sharing: You can work and collaborate on files from anywhere. Better still, the files and shared quickly and securely.

2.      Automate your marketing

To automate marketing, Salesforce uses a special service known as Marketing Cloud. Marketing Cloud comprises many features, including the Journey Builder, which is tasked with establishing connections across multiple marketing channels and powering 1-to-1 relationships with clients. The result is that your agents get to work smarter as they have more information. revenue growth with salesforce If you’re just getting started with Salesforce though, you should focus on the following four marketing tools for measurable revenue growth with Salesforce:
  • Email Studio: Email Studio is the mail epicenter in the Salesforce platform. It’s where you build email campaigns. As a small business, you’ll benefit immensely from the capacity to create highly-personalized emails within seconds and manage your campaigns professionally.
  • Social Studio: Social media is one of the most crucial marketing channels today. The Social Studio feature in Salesforce allows you to effortlessly integrate the social media platforms you need and closely track each channel for optimal performance.
  • Mobile studio: You likely already know how important mobile has become in the last few years. Currently, nearly 70% of all online transactions and conversations happen on mobile. Mobile Studio allows you to optimize your marketing for mobile devices.

3.      Maximize Salesforce integration

Salesforce is very powerful even on its own. Indeed, it is considered one of the most robust CRM platforms globally. However, you can extract even more juice from the platform through integrations. By integrating the platform with other applications, you not only improve your productivity but also bring significant improvement in your marketing strategies. We recommend three key integrations to accelerate revenue growth with Salesforce – user interface integration, business logic integration, and data integration.
  • User interface integration: User interface integration involves bringing in new ways to permit users to access the platform. For instance, you may need user interface integration for social media so that vendors can reach you more easily.
  • Business logic integration: These are integrations intended to ensure end-to-end business processes. For instance, you may need to integrate with accounting software to accomplish your accounting tasks on Salesforce.
  • Data integration: As the tech revolution goes into overdrive, businesses will be collecting lots of data. Data integration is all about bringing all your data in one place for easier analytics and decision making.

4.      Take advantage of the collaboration features

The digital revolution has created a global village where people can work remotely from any location worldwide. A few companies now have employees working from across states or even continents. Even if you’re not yet there, you may soon have a few workers working from home for various reasons (such as the current pandemic). Above all, even among in-office workers, you need a way for the various departments to collaborate on online tasks and activities. Salesforce provides two key features you should consider to maximize your collaboration efforts;
  • Salesforce Anywhere: Salesforce Anywhere is an app that allows Salesforce users to collaborate with teams, stay productive in their workflows, and keep in touch with customers anywhere they go via chats, videos, alerts, comments, etc.
  • Salesforce Chatter: Chatter, meanwhile, is a social-media-style collaboration tool designed to help organizations on the Salesforce platform collaborate securely at work. It allows users to establish networks and share files and status updates securely.

Wrap up…

Besides the above ways, you should also consider using Salesforce Analytics to break down the data you collect to gain insight. This can be achieved using the Einstein Analytics tool. Finally, don’t forget to use the platform’s Service Cloud to improve your sales services. Through the Service Cloud feature, you can chat with clients on social media, via the app, or even live to better meet their needs. If you are ready to revolutionize how your revenue targets are achieved, then you have no option other than to jump ship to the winning team and start driving revenue growth with Salesforce. Talk to us to day and we will show you how to get started.