Five Reasons a Salesforce Org Review Is a Must to Maximize Your CRM Investment

Undertaking a Salesforce org review is now a necessity for any business that wants to stay afloat and ahead of the competition. The implementation of Salesforce alone is not enough for a valuable transformation to be achieved. If you fail to continuously invest in innovating and empowering your Salesforce installation, then you are most likely not going to realize any measurable value from your investment. In some cases, your return on investment may even decline. Salesforce is a revolutionary CRM with the ability to completely transform your business operations. The catch, however, is in its need for regular and strategic reviews that ensure that it stays continually aligned with your organization’s changing expectations and needs. As a result, investing in a Salesforce org review is necessary as explained below:

Business changes are inevitable

Most businesses focus too much on the implementation’s go-live, after which they sit back and idle until they’re rudely awoken by technical hitches or business needs that command additional work. Your industry, too, will never sit still, so you must never stop innovating. Time after time, you are required to take a deep look into your system’s status and crosscheck where your org has failed to be in sync with your business needs and goals. Once identified, you need to course-correct to enjoy new levels of business performance. This is what a Salesforce org review is intended to do.

Emerging functionality may be good but only if it makes sense

A report on the state of Salesforce revealed that 46% of the C-Suite respondents believe the implementation time of any new Salesforce feature is heavily critical when considering new Salesforce initiatives. This is true because system maintenance can prove to be a nightmare to organizations implementing new technology or emerging functionality too early without considering the existing processes. The result of this is either the need for more costly steps to achieve a goal or a harmful effect on adoption if too many inputs or access points are involved. Implementing new technology for technology’s sake is wasteful, and it may bring your system to a standstill. The best practice is to review every new technology release and assess whether its addition or implementation in your system is positively impactful. Implementation of such features should also be advised by the business outcomes your company has set out to achieve. Salesforce org reviewIf this guidance is followed faithfully, first by understanding the essence of a Salesforce org review, then you will have a technology roadmap to guide and maintain your competitive edge.

Salesforce org review drives better adoption

Although you may be enthusiastic about your newest innovation with a Salesforce implementation, your users are probably not excited about using it unless your goal is to enhance user experience. Undertaking a Salesforce org review allows you to visualize and understand how your users navigate your business and technology processes, giving you a practical view of their desires and barriers to productivity. This is indeed important whenever you target driving a more enhanced user experience and successful adoption of your Salesforce investment.

Salesforce org review protects you from code degradation and breakage

Noone can understate the contribution of the custom code. But, as more of it is rolled out, complexity issues crop in. The moment deployment of new code and functionality into production is made, issues are triggered. For a fast-growing business, code governance is always a challenge. This is compounded even more if this is done without regular oversight. The result is code degradation and breakage of business-critical functionality for both the organization and customers. Investing in code quality reviews opens your eyes to aging code and flaws in the deployment process, which can be identified in time and corrected to maintain functionality and business processes.

Keep data quality high

If your goal is always to deliver exceptional customer experience, then you know how mission-critical data is to your business. The challenge, however, is maintaining data quality and uninterrupted access. This is not a big organizations’ problem anymore. Big or small, data quality and access is a battle that must be won. The challenges that come with data include incomplete data input and the constantly changing requirements for data quality. If you need high-quality data and intelligent insights about your users, you must remain vigilant with systematic reviews on data tracking, processes, and methods. Winning this battle opens the possibility of connecting customer experience to value, a feat only a few have managed.

Wrap up

Plumlogix’s complimentary Salesforce org audit provides companies of all sizes the ability to develop a clear future roadmap on their Salesforce journey. With our best practices, we can align your investment with your changing company and employee needs, support your business’s pace by managing new Salesforce releases and evolving technologies, and help you measure the ROI impact Salesforce has brought to your business. All of these start with investing in a Salesforce org review to understand what needs to be adjusted. Talk to us today or review our org review process here.