11 Tips To Engage Employees In Remote Settings

11 Tips To Engage Employees In Remote Settings

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced most organizations to require their employees to work from home. This remote setting has become the new norm for employees. Because of its sudden implementation, it stands as a challenge for both employees and companies. Remote workers’ mental health has come into serious question, and urgent attention has had to be employed in many cases.  However, to keep employees engaged and to encourage communication between team members and managers, the following practices may be implemented.

  1. Communicate regularly with employees in a remote setting

Since employees are no longer able to communicate in person with co-workers on a day-to-day basis, it is imperative that meetings, virtual or in-person, are held periodically. This way, employees are constantly reminded of the company’s goals and core values, and everyone will be more like to remain on the same page. They will also feel less isolated.

  1. Make communication fun

Employees in a remote setting are better engaged when the communication process is fun. This approach allows employees to experience a snippet of what non-remote settings offer. Making employees comfortable and interested in the company during the remote process will help to keep them engaged, with the assurance that they are cared for.

How to engage employees in remote setting

  1. Be proactive and make frequent check-ins

Checking in frequently will open the opportunity for employees to get help with the challenges that come with working in remote settings. Working in remote settings may cause employees to feel disconnected from team members or co-workers so managers need to make themselves readily available for communication.

Employees may never voice a problem, so asking them frequently how it is you can make them feel connected and productive is a great way to keep them engaged.

  1. Define goals for employees in a remote setting

Remote workers need to know exactly what their duties are and what objectives need to be accomplished to keep them engaged in their work. It is essential to set clear, achievable goals so employees can succeed; ambiguity and confusion should be prevented.

  1. Empower employees in a remote setting

Allowing employees to communicate new ideas to assist in decision making, allows them to feel involved and keep them engaged.  Encourage the self-improvement of employees and make them feel appreciated. This makes them feel more fulfilled and empowered, increasing their productivity and engagement.

  1. Offer opportunities for career growth

Knowledge of possible career advancements will prevent employees from feeling neglected and keep them engaged and encouraged to work hard. Opportunities for career growth keep employees interested, focused, and engaged in their work.

  1. Motivate employees to engage continuously

Prepare a virtual central place where employees can socialize, share interesting information, and take breaks. This prevents isolation and stops employees from potentially burning out. Mood-boosting activities and quizzes are a good way to keep people engaged. Encourage employees to join conversations daily to increase collaboration and fun interaction.

  1. Create a sense of togetherness and belonging for employees

Keep employees engaged by giving employees a sense of belonging that stimulates innovation and causes them to feel like they are valued. Recognizing employees when they do a good job will boost their passion to continue to do well and make them feel like they are contributing to the company’s success, giving them a sense of “we’re all in this together”.

How to engage employees in remote setting

  1. Make perk and discount offers to employees

Use an employee benefits/discounts program which provides financial wellness programs for employees. This helps organizations to provide great discounts and offers on the brand employees frequently purchase from. Perks such as subsidized insurance plans, gift cards, cashback offers, etc., can especially motivate employees and keep them engaged in their work.

  1. Encourage good health and well-being

It is beneficial to put in place a wellness application where employees can participate in health activities within the confines of their homes. The physical and mental well-being of employees is extremely important for productivity, and remote settings may negatively affect this. Ensuring that employees are healthy and well will keep them engaged in their work and help them feel more driven.

  1. Train managers

For employees in remote settings to be productive and engaged, they need to be led and managed accordingly. Managers should be educated on the different practices necessary for effective communication with their employees in a remote setting.

These remote workers are forced to work from home due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It is being hotly debated now whether or not remote work will be the way of the future, but we are preparing regardless. This has both pros and cons, however, but the application of the above-mentioned tips will aid in the pros outweighing the cons and keep employees engaged. This will accomplish the desired mutual success of both parties and an enjoyable and engaging partnership between employer and employee.

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