Top 6 Salesforce integration hacks for maximum ROI on Salesforce

One of the most significant investments you can make to your business is switching to salesforce. Many companies fail to meet their sales expectations from the platform and realize a low return on investment due to poor integration and customization that would otherwise be eliminated solved by these Salesforce integration hacks. Salesforce has helped thousands of businesses come up with better marketing strategies and increase sales. By integrating Salesforce with your existing sales processes, you can access data easily, automate workflow processes and even create a good communicative system. Also read: However, that will only happen if the system is correctly introduced to your workforce and properly integrated into your company. If you are investing top dollar on a new CRM, you must also be prepared to invest in a company-wide adoption for you to reap maximum benefits from the software.

Here are the top 6 Salesforce integration hacks to boost your productivity and save the day

Salesforce integration hacks are pretty simple but effective activities and tweaks you make to your system or include in your marketing strategy within Salesforce to reap maximum benefits. Below are a few we’ve handpicked.

Find the right partner

If you already have implemented Salesforce and are satisfied with your implementation specialist, then move on to point two. Having a partner that knows everything about Salesforce is one of the best Salesforce integration hacks you can think of. You have all the expertise you need for every activity that goes on the Salesforce platform. A simple Google search of providers in your area is a good place to start. If the location doesn’t matter much, then widen your search, read reviews of different providers and try to understand the different projects they have handled in the past. Plumlogix offers customized Salesforce solutions to all businesses and are ready to walk the journey with you. Reach out here or call us directly on (888) 318-8883

Have a backup plan

Forgetting to have a backup plan for any contingencies that may occur during the integration process is one of the common mistakes most companies make. During data transfer, there is always the risk of insecure connections, data redundancy, and total data loss. Use the salesforce API (Application Program Interface) to make sure all the security challenges are addressed. This way the data is protected and privacy is maintained during the implementation.

Explain “why” to the users

You will find that most of your employees are accustomed to the old ways of doing things and have figured out ways of being productive with the system they have been using. Implementing salesforce means stepping out of their comfort zones and learning a new way of doing things. It is only natural that most of them will be resistant to change. Make it clear to your sales team as to why salesforce is the way forward. Show them the guaranteed benefits that come with full adoption of the program and win them over.

Train the whole sales team

Though Salesforce is known for its ease of use and beginner friendliness, it is still a new tool and your sales team needs proper training on how to use the platform. Start by training all the employees on the salesforce basics and other related tools used in the sales process such as email system, calendar, and appointment setting, VOIP phone system, etc. From here the employees can then get training on specific parts of the Salesforce related to their responsibilities. Everyone learns at their own pace. Give your employees enough time to learn and let them get help from the experts in their different departments. If possible let the members who are picking things quicker share their tips and tricks of using the program. You can even pose as a potential client to identify the areas with major difficulties in the sales process.

Have a Salesforce Hackathon

A Salesforce hackathon is a collaborative contest to get everyone on the team familiar with the software and how best to use it. It can take several hours or even a few days. A hackathon lets your team test the new skills they have learned and is a great way of finding out how each member is developing and who is lagging and where. You can gamify the process by creating a points system where participants get awarded for completing different tasks in the salesforce program. The participants can get small gifts or salary bonuses depending on their ranking. This is a proven way of boosting the morale of all the employees in different departments. You can use a hackathon as a one-time tool or regularly to get the team used to the feel and customization of salesforce and to constantly re-engage them on how to make the most of the software for a better customer experience.

Make it user friendly

Not all the features that come with Salesforce are useful to your company. You will need to align all the specific business needs, models, and objectives to specific approaches. Chances are that not all of your employees need the advanced features. Build a system that does not overwhelm your team with lots of new features but instead encourages your team to make the switch. Customize the elements that can be customized and create different user profiles so each member has the relevant features they need depending on their roles and responsibilities. You can also integrate other third-party applications (like Dropbox) your team uses with salesforce to reduce the number of clicks which leads to improved productivity. Read also:

Wrap up on Salesforce integration hacks

Many organizations invest in salesforce to make their core functions like sales, marketing, etc. more efficient. These salesforce integration hacks will help your business reap the maximum benefits of a communicative and collaborative system.